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An award-winning artist, based in Sheffield & Lincolnshire. A ‘musical storyteller’ with ‘her own inner voice’ (Sioned Williams, UKHA Review).

Available for Weddings, Events & Teaching.

A dynamic soloist, Ruth is a performer of classical and contemporary styles. Semi-Finalist in the World Harp Competition, Winner of the Sioned Williams Harp Prize at the United Kingdom Harp Competition, the Iain Macleòid Young Composer Award at the Edinburgh International Harp Festival and the Wales International Harp Festival Competition for Composition, her work has been recognised at many of the leading festivals across the UK. She was selected to present a solo recital at the World Harp Congress 2022.

A graduate of the University of York (BA Hons 2019), she is privileged to have studied harp with Eleanor Turner and Charlotte Seale. Regularly collaborating with soloists and chamber groups, Ruth creates unique soundworlds, fusing contemporary classical and folk styles.


Passionate about music, stories and communities, she also strives to encourage young people to find their musical voice: leading workshops in schools, creating online music courses on Teachable and maintaining her private teaching studio.

Head over to Ruth's online teaching studio here!

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